Narooma - Montague Island

Narooma - Montague Island

Narooma has been voted Tourism Australia’s top ecotourism destination and there’s a good reason why! The Montague Island Nature Reserve is home to over 90 birds and marine species, including the famous seals! Minimum 20 logged dives.

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $995.00
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Fish Rock - South West Rocks

Fish Rock - South West Rocks

Fish Rock Cave is the only true ocean cave dive in Australia, running 125 metres right through Fish Rock – which lies two kilometres south-east of Smoky Cape, South West Rocks.

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $750.00
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Solitary Islands - Coffs Harbour

Solitary Islands - Coffs Harbour

Solitary Islands Marine Park is a place where the warm waters of the East Australian Current meet cooler waters from the south. They bring together tropical, subtropical and temperate marine life.

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $980.00
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Forster & Seal Rocks Trip

Forster & Seal Rocks Trip

A weekend of diving at Forster & Seal Rocks

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $649.00
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Minke Whales and Ribbon Reef liveaboard - Great Barrier Reef

Minke Whales and Ribbon Reef liveaboard - Great Barrier Reef

Minke Whale and Great Barrier Reef Liveaboard Trip Swim with Dwarf Minke Whales and explore the Ribbon Reefs on a three-day, three-night diving adventure!

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $2,200.00
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Jervis Bay Dive Trip

Jervis Bay Dive Trip

A weekend of diving in Jervis Bay!

  • Duration: 3 Days
From AUD $695.00
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